
Combat is different from traditional RPGs, as while you still take turns attacking and/or using parasite powers, you'll be able to run across the battlefield and dodge enemy fire or even strike from a better angle or behind. Environments range from Central Park and the American Museum of Natural History to a police office and hospital, all of them modeled like realistic places and most of them crawling with bloodthirsty mutant animals. The game is played over six days, each day bringing its own quest.

What if mitochondria are a species on its own, more advanced then humankind, and using them only to create environments and civilization for themselves? What if humankind are just hosts? What if mitochondria are the natural enemy of humankind? That would make Aya their natural enemy, so the battle for survival and uncovering the truth has already started. There has to be some connection between the two of you, as that seems the only rational explanation. Yet you appear to be immune, and as a police officer you're always on duty, so you must confront the danger. Suddenly audience members are set on fire, toasted completely, and it appears that the lead vocal is the source of this burning terror. Christmas Eve is the present day, and you've decided to visit the opera theater. 5 /5An ordinary day in New York for rookie police officer Aya Brea.